Tag Archives: Sweden Democrats

Sweden Democrats are now the biggest political party – 25,2%


According to the latest opinion poll from YouGov presented in today’s Metro the Sweden Democrats have managed to garner support from 25,2% of the electorate – thereby making them the biggest political party in Sweden

At this rate it seems as though the socially conservative Sweden Democrats, who want to reduce immigration to the European average, will have a high chance of doubling their support for the fourth election in a row come 2018.

1,44% – 2002

2.93% – 2006

5.7% – 2010

12.86% – 2014

25,2% – 2015-08

It’s been clear which way the wind is blowing and the ruling party, the Social Democrats, only has itself to blame for not implementing desired reforms. Their support has fallen from 31,2% on election day to 23,4%.

The cuckservative Moderates who have done more than most to open the borders under Reinfeldt’s leadership have gone from 30,06% in 2010, to 23,33% in 2014 and finally to 21,0% today.

Bear in mind that openly supporting the stigmatized Sweden Democrats can entail social ostracization and/or being harassed by violent left-wingers.

Opinion institutes, with the exception of Sentio, therefore tend to underestimate the amount of support SD actually have.

1.527 people were interviewed for YouGov’s poll.


3 controversial reasons why SD is now the biggest political party

Rabid mob raises value of Sweden Democrat subway ad

sd-tourist-motherMother tearing down and spitting on Sweden Democrat commercials whilst her child cries nearby. – source: Avpixlat

The Sweden Democrat party caused an uproar last week (amongst the country’s left-wing extremists) when they organized an ad-campaign, aimed at tourists, including images of people sleeping on the streets and huge signs in English apologizing for begging in the capital.

“Sorry about the mess here in Sweden. We have a serious problem with forced begging! International gangs profit from people’s desperation. Our goverment [sic] won’t do what’s needed,” read messages on billboards above the escalators at Stockholm’s Östermalmstorg station.

The ad campaign was an immense success despite only featuring in a single subway station and costing a couple of hundred thousand kronor. Thanks is owed entirely to the looney left for causing an uproar, organizing, and sending a rabid incoherent mob over to the subway to tear down the “racist” posters

The advertisements were mentioned in over 1142 articles and 3619 social media posts according to the company Meltwater which calculated that the campaign ended up being worth approximately 52 million kronor.

Due to all the attention the ad got Kent Ekeroth, an MP for the Sweden Democrats was interviewed by the BBC.

The background to the commercial and the subsequent uproar is that almost every Swedish city and town has been flooded with organized Romani beggars.

Related: Sweden – A new paradise for Romani Beggars

Sweden Democrats now 2nd biggest party

screenshot-www.friatider.se 2015-07-23 13-10-06

Source: FT

According to the latest Sentio poll the Sweden Democrats are the 2nd biggest political party in Sweden with 23,3%.

Seeing as SD entered parliament in 2010 with a mere 5.7% this poll sends a clear signal to the government and the so-called “opposition”.

Whether or not the silent majority waking up and making their voice heard will change any of the destructive policies remains to be seen.

In other news, the Christian Democrats (KD) continue to linger below the 4% threshold required to enter the Riksdag.

Considering that they, along with the other Alliance parties (C, FP, M), have spent the past decade implementing population replacement immigration policies it comes as no surprise that betrayed voters are abandoning ship.

Related: The Swedish Media’s Final Stand

When will they build the gas chambers?

Published by Utlandssvensk on Cavatus in 2012

For a very long time, there has been some kind of limit to what the media publishes. It has certainly been very flexible. But it has been there. Let us call it the border of shame. Ahead of the 2010 election it loosened up considerably. Now it has been crossed by a wide margin in a manner that gives me shivers down the spine. The plug has been pulled, all dams have burst. Now the unadulterated hatred flows freely, with the silent consent of all official bodies. The journalists are stoning their own people – and none of them stand up and say STOP – enough is enough!

In Länstidningen, a social democratic newspaper in Östersund, the Sweden Democrats party leader Mr. Jimmie Åkesson is pictured as a cockroach. Behind him stands a pest control worker wearing protective clothing and gas mask while spraying deadly poison gas from a canister marked with the symbols of all the other seven parliamentary parties.

The Sweden Democrats'' leader depicted as a cockroach

The symbolism could not be clearer. Dissidents are to be exterminated. Sweden Democrats are pests that shall be killed with poison gas. The goal is clear: the party is to be wiped out by any means necessary. The hatred is breaking all boundaries. I cannot recall that I ever have seen a Swedish party leader depicted as vermin to be exterminated. Mr. Olof Palme and Mr. Torbjorn Fälldin and several other Swedish politicians were the subject of a healthy amount of political cartoons at the time. But never, ever with a threat of harsh and sudden death programmed in.

The historical parallels are terrifying
Länstidningen’s low water mark is not satire. It is pure and unadulterated evil that flows from the editorial page. The historical parallels are horrifying. The only archetypes the cartoon can be associated with are the Nazi hate pictures of Jews in the 1930s. Those images paved the way for the gas chambers at Auschwitz, Sobi Bor and Bergen-Belsen and the execution of millions of Jews, mentally retarded and mentally ill. Are we 70 years later to go down that path again? Should hatred against dissenters legitimize extinction? Have we learned nothing seven decades after one of history’s greatest massacres?

“The worst example of misanthropy”
The cartoon is created by Mr. Kjell Nilsson Mäki and illustrates a wishy-washy and intellectually inferior editorial by Ms. Ida Nilsing. After the publication on Saturday, Länstidningen has been stormed by hundreds of angry and outraged comments and emails. In a letter to the newspaper’s editor in chief and responsible publicist, Mr. Lennart Mattsson, a reader writes:

I have not seen a worse example of misanthropy anywhere in Sweden throughout my life. Länstidningen Östersund should not with a single word criticize a party that wants to have political debates since Ida Nilsing and the rest of you at Länstidningen wants to exterminate by gas and physically annihilate the Sweden Democrats – probably because you are not up to “taking the debate.

You would rather murder people than debate with them. Who made the cartoon? What political affiliation does a person have who wants to gas others to death?

Why is it that you cannot produce an editorial that contains something worth reading? Do you lack staff? Are there no reasonably intelligent people employed by the newspaper? Or are you so bloodthirsty that you chose the worst person you could find to write up the bland text?”

Länstidningen: “We are proud”
Länstidningen today responded to the outcry by stating that it is “proud to offer our readers something other than bland portraits of politicians who hold press conferences.”

We are also proud to be one of the few newspapers that keep the tradition of political cartoon satire alive. On Saturday’s editorial page Jimmie Åkesson was drawn as a cockroach that would be exterminated by a pest control worker, sent by the other parliamentary parties. LT’s artist, Kjell Nilsson-Mäki, has explained that he wanted the cartoon to show how the old established parties, despite persistent attempts, have failed to combat the Sweden Democrats. Given this explanation, the illustration is reasonable. But, and herein lies the problem, the illustration and the text have two different aims, which causes the whole to become blurred and open to misunderstanding, especially if one wants to misunderstand.

Survives at taxpayer benevolence
Länstidningen is one of many social democratic newspapers that generates massive losses. The newspaper cannot survive on selling their products that fewer want to buy. LT is surviving due to taxpayers’ benevolence in the form of state press subsidies. This year, the paper received a total of 16,861,000 kronor (approx. 2.5 million USD) in operating subsidies and 361,950 kronor (approx. 55.000 USD) in distribution support. A grand total of 17,222,950 kroner. More than 17 million in state aid to produce death threats against the leader of a democratically elected parliament party.

Länstidningen scandal picture marks a worrying shift in the media’s approach. The plug has been pulled. This signals a brutal escalation of violence and persecution against all who sympathize with the Sweden Democrats’ policies or vote SD since the other seven parties, with their ignorance of vital and crucial issues for the country, do not give them any other choice. Not only should it be open season for death threats against SD’s leader, it is also about time to persecute the 5.7 percent, or 340,000 voters who voted for SD in the 2010 election, says music critic Mr. Po Tidholm in Sunday’s SR (state controlled radio broadcaster) “Good morning world”.

“The big problem is the voters’

His view is that Swedish writers and commentators have “held back” for two years, but are now finally wallowing in expletives and vivid descriptions filled with adjectives regarding SD after Expressen’s (major tabloid that recently exposed a 2 year old video that showed some senior SD MPs behaving badly after a wet night) outstanding work.

“There is suddenly energy and joy in the debate and a general sense of relief” notes Mr. Po Tidholm. Now only one problem remains, and it is major:

The only ones that get off scot-free are the voters. It feels somewhat lame. It is, after all, they who have caused this mess. The presence of a xenophobic party did not became a serious democratic problem until the citizens decided to vote them into the assemblies.

It is “the regular Swedish voters, who – if one is to believe current polls – increasingly feel that SD has the answers to their questions” – who, according to Mr. Po Tidholm, are the problem.

The statistics claim that SD voters are usually low-skilled unemployed men, living in rural areas. This in turn makes them a little hard to pick on, since most media people, of which nearly one hundred percent are white, urban middle-class people, after all, have a some anxiety about their position of power, residence and socioeconomic status. The class gap is simply a little too wide.

“People are fucking stupid”
Mr. Po Tidholm considers himself to have a free pass by his choice of residence. He lives in the countryside in Trönödal in Söderhamn in Hälsingland. There, SD got 11.6 percent of the votes in the 2010 election and was thus “the most SD infected north of Blekinge” in Mr. Tidholm’s words. After much pondering, he has reached the conclusion that the simplest way for him to relate to this political reality is with some professional distance. “But basically, I’m tired and angry and think that people are fucking stupid,” he says.

“Those who farts loudly during dinner”

One conclusion that could be drawn by the success of New Democracy (political party that had a brief stay in parliament 20 years ago) was that there were a considerable number of Swedes who for various reasons want to be those who farts loudly during dinner, ruining the mood with tasteless jokes and use their voting rights to fuck with the so-called establishment. Should these people’s opinions suddenly be respected just because they happen to be represented in Parliament?

And then Mr. Po Tidholm delivers the conclusion that is pressing and must be presented:

So what am I getting at? The hard words should reasonably also be directed at those who have voted for these jerks.

More poison gas against dissidents!
Thanks, that hit the bull’s eye. More contempt for “stupid low-skilled unemployed men living in rural areas”! They are getting off far too easy. Go get the morons! More persecution, more hatred! Bring out the guns against “those who farts loudly during dinner, ruining the mood with tasteless jokes and use their voting rights to fuck with the so-called establishment”! More poison gas against dissident roaches!

The thing that Mr. Po Tidholm and others in the Swedish PC elite fears more than anything else is that the Sweden Democrats’ policies are winning supporters in significantly larger groups than the stupid men in rural areas; academics, intellectuals, writers, journalists, doctors, police officers, nurses, social workers, officials, actors, artists. It’s not quite as easy to openly despise and want to gas to death people belonging to the same social class as yourself as it is to spew contempt on farting low-skilled unemployed men living in rural areas.

What Länstidningen and Mr. Po Tidholm do is not only to descend down to the level of mud wrestling. They also kill the democratic discourse. Without conversation, democracy does not exist. When the words run out and only hatred remains, then we are in very serious trouble.

Now I wonder just one thing: when will the gas chambers be built?

Originally Written in Swedish by Julia Caesar, published on Snaphanen in 2012

Translated by Utlandssvensk and published on Cavatus in 2012

Other chronicles by Julia Caesar:

-“Us” and “Them”

-When Journalists Rape

-Congratulations Pussy Porters

Confiscating Houses for the Greater Good

-The Swedish Media’s Final Stand

-Sweden – A Raped Country

Sweden Democrats at 22,1% according to Sentio – almost 2nd biggest party

sentiojunesdSource: Fria Tider

The Sweden Democrats (SD) are edging eerily close to the ruling Social Democrats (S) and the centre-right Moderates (M) according to Sentio’s June measurement.

For Prime Minister Löfven and the Social Democrats the results aren’t that great. Scratch that. It’s a complete and utter disaster. In the 2014 autumn election they got 31% and according to this poll they have fallen by 7,1%. They are in an official coalition with the Greens (MP) and are passively supported by the Left Party (V).

The main opposition (sort of) also have reasons to be concerned. On the one hand (M) have increased by 0,5% to 23,8% but on the flip-side they are in a coalition called the Alliance with the Centre Party (C), Peoples Party (FP) and the Christian Democrats (KD). If the current trend is extrapolated to the 2018 election (FP) and (KD) won’t reach the 4% limit required to enter the Riksdag (Swedish Parliament)

(SD) on the other hand have every reason to celebrate. They have increased from 12,9% to 22,1% and if the current trend continues they will have managed to double their support in 2018, as they have done for the past 3 elections. But will it matter?

The answer isn’t clear-cut

Such a result would undoubtedly pressure the other parties into taking a more conservative stance with regards to hot-topics such as immigration, crime and begging but even if SD became the biggest political party they wouldn’t become the ruling party nor would they be able to pass a budget due to the December Agreement.

Say what?

6 months ago (S+MP) and the Alliance struck a deal known as the December Agreement (DÖ) which is valid until 2022. It allows the biggest minority coalition to pass their own budget with passive support from the opposition. That coalition currently happens to be Stefan Löfvens feminist government consisting of (S+MP). In accordance with (DÖ) the Alliance leadership forces it’s members of parliament to abstain from voting for their own party’s budget proposal.

What does the Alliance gain from the December Agreement?

Supporting the feminist left-wing government may seem counter-intuitive but the Alliance hopes that Löfven makes a fool of himself and proves to be completely incompetent thus reversing the roles in 2018-2022. So far things seem to be working according to plan but there is just one problem. If KD and FP do not reach the 4% threshold the Alliance (or what’s left of it) will be forced to support (S+MP) for another 4 years.

What is the alternative to the December Agreement?

To put it bluntly, a coalition with SD. This may seem like the logical choice but both the Alliance and (S+MP) have repeatedly and explicitly stated that they refuse to co-operate with them because they are “neo-fascists” and/or “xenophobic.” This attitude is understandable.

Entering into a coalition would not only entail reforming the most liberal immigration policy in the West but it would also mean conceding that the Sweden Democrats were right all along.

That wouldn’t sit well with Swedish voters who for decades been told by their politicians and the media that they not only have a moral obligation to become a minority in their own country don’t exist as a people and need to open their hearts to mass-immigration from Somalia, Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq.

Welcoming the third world to the Scandinavian welfare-state not only makes politicians and voters feel morally superior but is supposedly beneficial to the the economy.

A gift from god that just keeps on giving!

Dissenters have been and continue to be labelled as racists, nazis, or fascists so why would any of the two bloc’s come clean and ally with SD when only half of Swedish voters understand what the December Agreement is and only one-third can explain how it works? (DN/Ipsos)

Other Posts:

The indoctrination of Swedish schoolchildren

When Journalists Rape

Immigration to Sweden in 2014

Interview with Nima Gholam Ali Pour

Stumbled upon an English interview with Nima Gholam Ali Pour, a Sweden Democrat politician with a Master’s Degree in International Migration and Ethnic Relations.

He has written several posts worth reading on his blog, Nimatown and he was one of the reasons I began to question the medias narrative. To me it seemed strange that several well-educated immigrants of the first and second generation are joining the only anti-immigration nationalist party in the country. Turns out they weren’t masochists after all but it was instead I who had been fed propaganda by the treacherous media.

Thankfully fewer fancy subsidizing the lies whilst people of all backgrounds are asking the key question:

Is unfettered multiculturalism and open borders really the way to go?

The confessions of a Swedish journalist

anne-charlotteAnn-Charlotte Marteus, a journalist for the tabloid newspaper Expressen, has in this recent article confessed that she helped build the so-called “opinion corridor” that has stifled constructive and intellectual debate on immigration whilst simultaneously ostracizing and branding innocent Swedes as racists and xenophobes.

For years Swedes have to no avail been fretting and warning about the consequences of the countries extreme and unsustainable immigration policies. Economists such as Tino Sanandaji are routinely dismissed and disregarded thanks to journalists such as Ann-Charlotte Marteus. In one of her latest articles she explains how she for the past 13 years has helped mould and shape the infected political climate which prevails today.

[…] The assignment for me as a hallway worker was two-fold. First and foremost to warn about the Sweden Democrats and yell at all the hillbillies that were considering voting for the party. Secondly, to demolish anyone using terms that could normalise the Sweden Democrats rhetoric; attack every son of a bitch who used words or facts that could be interpreted as racism or semi-racism. Or a precursor to semi-racism.

That included any any and all texts that questioned Swedens ability to handle large-scale immigration in a short period of time. I didn’t sort those types of texts under “labour market”, “housing”, “welfare”, or “education” i.e. politics. I sorted them under moral crimes such as: “racism”, “egoism”, “evil”.

Under my time in the corridor I received a lot of racist e-mails but then other e-mails started coming. Sad, concerned messages from decent people. One was especially touching. It was low-key: “Ann-Charlotte, if I am afraid that the immigration policy doesn’t work but I don’t want to vote for the Sweden Democrats, what should I do? Who should I vote for? Please, answer.”

I didn’t answer. Discussing with someone who went around thinking about volumes was taboo. […]

Ann-Charlotte is one of the few who has come clean and kudos to her for doing so. The damage has unfortunately been done. If you aren’t Swedish you probably can’t comprehend how infected the immigration debate is and how treacherous many of the journalists have been. Pushing their own agenda and beliefs under the false guise of objectivity whilst simultaneously crushing any and all opposition. They will have to live with the consequences of their actions for the rest of their lives.

To truly understand their devastating impact I sincerely recommend reading the open letter below which is adressed to Ann-Charlotte. It was written by Chang Frick, a journalist who helped found the popular news-site Nyheter Idag.


Dear Ann-Charlotte,

You chose to speak out regarding how you helped build the opinion corridor. I understand that it is unavoidable, it is no longer possible to make a career that way. It is simply to thin and crowded. People have long ago demanded something else. But you won’t be let off the hook that easily.

There are those who have been affected by the opinion corridor. I am one of them. I was officially labelled a lesser human being, not for the opinions I host, but because I could no longer stay in the Moderates and decided to join the Sweden Democrats. This was before 2010, and even then I experienced that there was no space for me and liberal-conservative ideas. Or maybe I should say libertarian ideas. I have commited the criminal action of previously being a member of that political party. The political party that now has 19%, if the latest opinion poll is to be believed.

I’m guessing that there are a couple of things that make the two of us different. One of those things is that you probably haven’t had a refugee family living with you. Mother, father, and child in a small crowded apartment. I have, they were from Iraq. I don’t think that you, or your colleagues, have used the last of your money to help a refugee. I have, when I was in the army.

I don’t think you have ever socialized with people who live in Rosengård or other outsidership-zones on a daily basis. I have, I live in one of those areas right now, I don’t think you do. I don’t think you have been beaten up or bullied in your youth for having the wrong parents. I have, mom is a Jewess from Poland and dad was a Swedish gipsy.

But I know one thing that you have done. You have labelled people like me as racists. We are the angry, young, men who aren’t given any room to express ourselves, because you want that spot. You and your colleagues. You who love for the career. Nothing has changed either, on a daily basis I hear that I am a lesser human being. A racist. And you, you still prioritize your career.

When I was labelled a racist it wasn’t for anything I said or did. It was solely for not seeing any other option than leaving the Moderates for SD even though I knew they were imperfect. But I couldn’t be a hypocrite, not like you and your colleagues. I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t stand feeling dirty. Thats why I left the warmth.

I’ve had stones thrown at me through car windows and death threats sprayed in my stairwell. I’ve been kicked and hit at public square meetings, right in front of your journalist colleagues who chose to look the other way. I saw that they were ashamed, but they didn’t dare write about what happened. Not then.

It’s gone so far that I’ve become accustomed to being called a racist. It’s almost starting to become a compliment, a receipt that you haven’t sold yourself to the idiocy. That you dare stand for something. That you care about something other than the surface and the career.

The opinion corridor is the most Swedish thing we have. Sweden is a cold country where you don’t talk to your neighbour, where we are quiet on the subway. A country where one distances oneself and condemns those who are different. But on the surface, we are bloody perfect. Fake smiles, artists against nazis and a humanitarian superpower. I couldn’t stand being tolerant, the only thing you can talk about. Tolerance, values and other intellectual prostitution.

People like you want to open this countries borders. People like you don’t have to face the reality I have had to face. I have tried so many fucking times to help that kid from Afghanistan, or those from Iraq who were highly educated and should have gotten a job from day one in this country. But what they got was welfare and they got used to it. Now they don’t know know anything else and live in a neighbourhood where 50% vote socialist.

It’s this system you’ve defended. More projects, more tax money, more welfare. All the while distancing yourself from the trash. People get angry because their tax money goes to this circus, just so you can feel benevolent. And you call yourselves liberals.

Thats why I started writing. Because of people like you. We have a thread on the forum Flashback where every news about the medias inevitable demise is posted. Every reader I manage to steal from you is a victory. Thats how we liberals work, we outcompete you. In the political and medial arena, you have gotta go. Far away.

And we are about to succeed. That is why you wrote like you did.

P.S. Sorry about the harsh tone, but it isn’t exactly like the label I’ve gotten from people like you will disappear tommorow. Nor will I or the the 100,000’s affected get an apology or any form of justification. Or am I wrong?

Source: http://nyheteridag.se/hej-ann-charlotte-marteus/

Chang Frick is correct. Day-by-day the established newspapers are dying a slow death despite the government blowing artificial life into them. People simply don’t wish to buy them and turn to alternative-news sites instead. The eroded trust became clear in a recent opinion poll.

Only 11% trusted Expressen, the newspaper Ann-Charlotte works at. The others were not far behind.


A wise man once said:

The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses.

Malcolm X (1925-1965)


Snap elections in March have been called off

2014-12-22 – The mainstream parties have called off the re-election and have decided to co-operate until 2022 to permanently exclude the Sweden Democrats (SD) amidst fears that people will vote for them in the future.

According to Sweden’s Television (S(S)VT), the socialist government and the opposition have been secretly negotiating for the last couple of days. The two have traditionally been at odds but are today united in (mass) immigration policies and a fear of becoming redundant in the future due to the Sweden Democrats rise to power.

They are attempting to find a way so that Sweden can be ruled by a minority government and how a minority government can pass its budget. If they find a solution Löfven may decide not to issue a re-election. Then the government can keep on ruling, but with an Alliance budget during 2015 and the year after pass their own budget. The Alliance could over time benefit from such a resolution, because they want these new rules in place in the next election in 2018. If there where to be a shift in government the Alliance would be in the same seatS(S)VT reporter Kerstin Holm

These changes may seem shocking but earlier in December the opposition actually stated that they were willing to change the rules instead of co-operating with the Sweden Democrats.stalinisitsvt

Whilst S(S)VT prides itself on being unbiased it simultaneously states that the a re-election doesn’t help the current situation at all and that changing the rules, and calling off the re-election would be beneficial to both sides.

Perhaps S(S)VT is terrified of YouGovs polls which show that the Sweden Democrats are expected to receive 17.7% of the votes despite them airing the propaganda show, Blå Ögon, every week on prime-time?

The Prime Minister goes back on a promise… againimage

Stefan Löfven promised to resign if his budget didn’t go through but went back on his word and issued re-elections instead. He has thus far managed to spend 695 000 taxpayer kronor renovating his new home: the Sagerska Palace.

It seems the former-welder turned Prime Minister has made himself at home and if he has gone back on his word once why wouldn’t he do it again?

The agreement in question means that Sweden will be ruled by the socialists until 2018 and then most likely the liberals until 2022. The only opposition i.e. the Sweden Democrats have in-effect been excluded from power indefinately or until they get more than 50% of the votes.

How bad could it be?

According to one estimate 600 000 asylum seekers could migrate to Sweden in the next 4 years which is a mind-boggling 6% of Sweden’s population.

That would be the equivalent of Obama allowing 19 200 000 immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa to enter the states and receive full: accommodation, health-care, dental-care and education courtesy of US taxpayers.

Edited 2015-01-02: I previously wrote that legislation was changed which was incorrect. Neither of the two blocks that traditionally oppose each other have a majority due to the SD:s kingmaking role and the December Agreement ensures that the largest minority block will be allowed to rule on its own budget without the other block opposing it but it doesn’t entail that any specific laws are changed. Thank you Lawson for noting the error.

A wise man once said:

Democracy… while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.

– John Adams (1735-1826)

Sweden is so deranged, there are no words to describe it – Danish politician

2014-12-16 – Politically correct Sweden is such a deranged society that there is no term in social science sufficient enough to describe it – argues Pia Kjærsgaard the Danish People’s Party former leader

In this article in Den Korte Avis, Kjærsgaard marvels at the fact that the politically correct are so desperate that they have graduated from using worn-out epiteths such as neo-fascists, fascists, nazis to comparing the Sweden Democrats to the terrorist organization ISIS.

That the Sweden Democrats do not want the most extreme immigration policy in the world and decided to force the current government to resign is something she doesn’t think merits a comparison to the Islamic State. She goes on to say that the Sweden Democrats are subject to witch-hunts and bullying the likes of which she has never seen before and concludes with this less than flattering observation:

“Some have referred to it as “DDR-light”. Others have called it a consensus society. Personally I do not think that the right word has been invented yet. Sweden is so deranged that it differs from all other societies in history, and in fact there might not be a social science term around to describe it. Naming Sweden is a task for those skilled in psychiatry who specialize in schizophrenia and the numbness of feelings.”

If our neighbors in the south think that terminology such as scizophrenic, deranged, and DDR-light don’t suffice, something has clearly gone haywire.

A wise man once said:

Political correctness does not legislate tolerance; it only organizes hatred.

Jacques Barzun (1907-2012)

Other posts:

1000-1500 war criminals are hiding out in Sweden and more are coming in each year

Dagens *manipulated* Nyheter strikes again!

“Open your hearts” (and your wallets) – Former Swedish Prime Minister; Fredrik Reinfeldt


De politisk korrekte har travlt med at sige grimme ting om Sverigedemokraterne – men det er dem selv, der ødelægger Sverige