Why do Swedes accept mass immigration from the Middle East?

MENA = Middle East and North Africa

When foreigners hear about skyrocketing rape rates, organized crime and ambulance drivers being attacked with machetes they are often puzzled. Why do 87% of Swedes vote for parties that have created the situation and are actively making it worse?

1. Ignorance

Swedes who are well-off are drawn to the same neighborhoods which pushes the prices up. MENA immigrants speak poorer Swedish, have a worse education and in turn a lower-income. They cannot afford the astronomical prices required for an overvalued apartment/house in one of the white enclaves. Swedish children also tend to be placed in segregated schools and are therefore more likely to succeed. Civil-unrest, riots, rapes, murders, and gang-violence are hence predominantly concentrated to the ghettos.

This has led to a situation whereas most Swedes are open to uncontrolled immigration from the hell holes around the world because they are not affected by the consequences first-hand. They see themselves as doing a good deed and regard more restrictive policies as cruel and inhumane. Those who suffer are the immigrants and Swedes who were poor from the start.

The latter is looked down upon as “white trash” by the middle and upper class. They also happened to be the first to vote for the Sweden Democrats which was explained by the media as stemming from their lack of education and racism. Nobody considered that it may have been due to the “white trash” living in the vicinity of MENA immigrants who lack the will and/or the opportunity to integrate into Swedish society.

2. The Media

The stereotypical journalist tends to come from a poor/middle class background and votes for a socialist party. They regard themselves as belonging to an upper class which is ironic considering they often take loans they can never pay off to live above their means. They are often concentrated to an area known as Södermalm whereas progressive values and hipsters reign supreme.journalisterrostar52% of journalists at Swedens Television (SVT) vote for the Environmental Party (MP) and 0% vote for ideological opposite: the Sweden Democrats (SD).

MP are a socialist party that wants open borders, quotas, ecological food and 100% renewable energy.

SD are a eurosceptic party who want a 90% cut in immigration and more focus on traditional Swedish culture.

The top pie chart is what employees at SVT vote for; the pie chart below is what the public votes for. Mind you the results on the picture are from 2006 and since then SD has risen to 13% in the national election but recieve a mere 1% by journalists. Every single television owner gets SVT pre-installed and must pay a monthly tax for the supposedly unbiased channels.nimagolam

The media rarely give the downsides of MENA immigration any coverage, meanwhile, SD is consistently portrayed as a neo-fascist/racist party. This is becoming increasingly transparent seeing as several of SD:s representatives are immigrants, such as Nima Gholam Ali Pour featured on the right. He realizes that the current policies are detrimental to the immigrants who come here and the ethnic Swedes themselves. Why would he be working against his own and his family’s self interest?

If you can distinguish between your personal beliefs and your duty to inform the population there is no problem. That is not the case in Sweden and if you don’t believe me, watch this video and judge for yourself.

A wise man once said

The oblique paradox of propaganda is that the lie in the throat becomes, by repitition, the truth in the heart.

John Grierson (1898-1972)

Why are there 1000-1500 war criminals hiding out in Sweden and more coming in each year?

Will Swedes become a minority in their own country?

How could one translators mistake change society?

Worth noting:

  • I am not saying that all immigrants are criminals. rapists and jihadists. I am saying that a few are and this is due to irresponsible politicians and the biased media. In the end those immigrants who have worked hard and have integrated into society suffer due to the criminal immigrants giving them a bad name.
  • I am not saying that Swedes by and large are prejudiced / racist. I am saying that many Swedes who have no experience of multicultural areas / no go zones tend to be less prejudiced.
  • I am not saying that all journalists are hipsters, who vote for Miljöpartiet and live on Södermalm. I am stereotyping those journalists who fit this description. There are plenty of incredibly dedicated and hard-working journalists who are unbiased and do not fit the caricature I have drawn up above.
  • When attempting to answer a broad question in less than  600 words there will inevitably be a need to generalize. I do not have the time to interview each and every one of Swedens 9.6 million people.
  • This is my subjective opinion on the matter and you may be of a very different opinion.

23 thoughts on “Why do Swedes accept mass immigration from the Middle East?”

  1. Even if SD had won the election and managed to cut down the immigration by 90%, ethnic Swedes will still be outnumbered in the future. Primarily because of refugees who are already living here and their birth rates aren’t going down for at least a century. Their culture is different. More kids = prosperity. You can’t blame them. But how about Sweden?

    Sweden turning into a diverse, multicultural country with several new official languages is inevitable. Swedish culture, people and identity will still exist. Of course it will be preserved and protected by only a small group of people. But all the good things that make Sweden as a great nation would be gone.

    Any decades now, welfare state and high birth rates among non-western immigrants will cause this country’s economy to collapse. Global rankings have shown that Swedish pupils have fallen behind their international peers. We have a falling quality of education.

    I’m 22, I work hard and pay high taxes. I have a 12 months old nephew who doesn’t have a father. I put a minimum amount of money away each month to his bank account. Hopefully he’ll have enough saved up for his 18th birthday. He’s the most precious person in my life and I fear for his future in this country. We might have to move somewhere.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. @ Swedishsurveyor. I agree with most of you talk and comments on Red Ice Creations and in this article, but I don’t agree with immigration origins are not a problem. They are a problem, a German and a Finn or a Hungarian would and could assimilate nicely into Swedish culture. They’re of European stock and have similar cultures and can mix well. Take a Pakistani and Somalian, or a Sunni Iraqi and they will not assimilate and mix well with Swedish culture. Absolutley not, probably a couple here or there, the outliers of statistics like your African friend you used as an example. He’s probably pretty rare among his people. The robbing and rape culture is what they’re used to and spreading their loving diversity to unwilling Swedish women. Not trying to sound like a dick but it is what it is. I admire Swedes, they’re beautiful people being tall with blonde hair and blue eyes, nothing like them. I’m concerned the ”youth” and young adults have been raised to avoid all confrontation and in essence lack any backbone whatsoever. Would be beautiful for their inner Viking to wake up and become the men they need to be.


      1. Even prior to the immigration levels we have seen in the past 20 years many (if not most) were not blonde and blue eyed so that stereotype isn’t necessarily correct.

        Immigration origin plays a part, it is obviously easier for a German than a Pakistani to integrate into Swedish society but that doesn’t mean that it’s impossible for the latter.

        The anecdotal “evidence” I had regarding Swedes of African / Indian origin may have been outliers but if so why?

        I would argue that you can integrate people of any origin, especially the 2nd/3rd generation but then immigration policies must be regulated and controlled.

        To me it is blatantly obvious that it will be much easier to integrate 1000 people of, for example, Chinese origin per year than 100 000 people of Chinese origin per year and that is the problem I have with Swedens immigration/integration policies.

        People from those countries end up in parallel societies where they’re chances to succeed and integrate into society are reduced which is unecessary but I suppose that is the Swedish way i.e. to rather allow 30 million asylum seekers to come here and live a bad life then allowing 3000 asylum seekers to come here and live a great life fully integrated into Swedish society.

        This argument that there is a robbing/raping culture is misused and blown out of proportion. Yes, women are not regarded in the same light in the Middle East as in Sweden (with the exception of perhaps Kurds) but that does not mean that “all arabs rape”

        Even if there is a gross overrepresentation in rape/violent crime it doesn’t represent the whole.

        For example hypothetical crime statistics:

        Ethnic Swedish Male: 10/10 000
        Ethnic Arab Male: 20/10 000
        Ethnic Arab Male 2nd gen: 30/10 000

        With those theoretical numbers you can say that ethnic Arabs in Sweden of the 2nd generation commit 200% more crime than ethnic Swedes but on the flip side. 9970/10 000 do not commit crime.

        Thats why statistics are so devious which is not to say that immigrants committing more crime isn’t a problem but its worth putting things into perspective and be honest about what can and cannot be done to hem the crime.

        The majority of Swedens political parties would probably call me a racist scumbag for saying this but I do NOT think that increasing the immigration further and allowing 105 000 asylum seekers to come to Sweden will improve the situation whatsoever.

        A wise Swedish/Kenyan rapper, Ken Ring, said a couple of years ago that:

        “Maybe it’s time to scale down on immigration and help those that are here already”


    2. The interesting thing is, that the society Sweden is turning into, has never existed before. Noone knows, if it will ever function. My guess is, it will function very badly


      1. Even when black children are adopted by middle-class white families they continue to have cognitive deficits (IQ). Of course they won’t function at the same level. Look at Baltimore, Detroit, Birmingham Al, etc… Even centuries of coexistence hasn’t integrated African Americans. Swedes just seem to be suffering from a political Stockholm syndrome of pathological altruism.



  2. The consequences of this social experiment will be written into the history books.

    The only thing you can do is inform those that want to listen and preserve Swedish culture in whatever way you can.

    Do not feel ashamed for wanting to abandon the sinking ship. I imagine you care about this country and I do too. This does not change the fact that I will also move in the near-future.

    Why should you work hard and pay taxes to a society that is committing suicide?


    1. I’m not white, I don’t live in europe or any western country. I don’t feel sorry for people who are hell bent on destroying their own people and it’s just terrible to think of the fact that most of them don’t realize what they’re doing. No matter how much you fight the left will always win. I will be very happy to see half-naked howling mobs of radical feminists imprisoned and persecuted. Thanks to liberalism western countries have long fought for gender equality, freedom of religion, freedom from religion, freedom to express sexual orientation and freedom of speech. Also thanks to liberalism, European race are the minority in their own countries. It is too late to regret and fix it. White Britons will be minority by 2066, White Americans will be minority by 2042. Liberalism is a gift and also a curse for the white man. Any liberal who read this comment will dismiss it and say that “we are all human, skin color doesn’t matter. World without a border would be such a better place”. Wrong. Human beings are tribalistic in nature. By becoming a majority-minority nation, violence will increase and chaos will prevail. “But but Brazil is a proof that people of different skin color can get along and love each other forever and ever” There IS is a STRONG RACISM in Brazil. Becoming a multicultural society won’t eradicate racism. If everyone stick with their own kind, world will have less problem. What we need in this world is diversity, not multiculturalism. Too bad the lefties are a bunch of sanctimonious pieces of shit. Too late to regret and fix it! I am in love with western culture Beethoven, tchaikovsky, mozart, etc but some people just want to destroy it. I will happily let 3rd world criminals and radicals overrun these immigrant loving countries. I won’t have to save my money on a backpacking trip around europe bc I will be disappointed to see New Baghdad in Sweden, New Palestine in London, New Somalia in France and New Turkey in German. For fuck’s sake I’m done


      1. First off, it is easy to go on a slippery slope and foresee a sort of apocalyptic demise of Europe as we know it. That is not quiet the case.

        I personally couldn’t care less if the Swedish Prime Minister is a black lesbian lady. All that matters is if she or he is the most competent person for the job.

        Postponing a trip to Stockholm or London due to a belief that it they now look like Mogadishu is false. Stockholm is very beautiful and doesn’t look like new Baghdad. If you go to the states you won’t visit Harlem and if you go to Sweden you won’t visit Tensta.

        Sure, humans are tribal but this doesn’t necessarily apply solely to skin color but also socio-economic status. I have very few blonde and blue-eyed Swedish friends, the vast majority of them have roots all over the world.

        One Congolese-Swedish friend is far more Swedish culturally and behaviourally than I am. He doesn’t pull the race card or differentiate himself. He is treated as a Swede because he behaves like one. I have lived abroad and even though I am caucasian I consider myself to be much less Swedish than my colored friend of Congoloese ethnicity.

        I consider mass-immigration from the Middle East to be a problem due to the fact that our integration policies have failed. If we were able to recieve 1 million people who we could integrate and who would be able to get jobs their origin is irrelevant to me.


    2. The problem as I see it is that there is NO Place to run too and no Place to hide because the entire World is becoming mongrelized.Swedes should understand that there are absolutely NO geographical cures any more and the grass is not greener on the other side of the hill. You see on the other side of the hill you will find the same old “turds” that you left behind.The United States is terribly mongrelized and Whites will be a minority there Before 2040.Australia is becoming a Southern extension of Asia and is badly mongrelized and Canada is finished as well.Wake up Swede for there is absolutely no Place to run too and no Place to hide.it would be better if you made a stand and fought for your country instead of running off to some mythical sanctuary that you will never find.


  3. I was looking at a discussion about kin selection versus group selection and realized that these racists don’t actually analyze facts they are exposed to. If it fits their beliefs, they repeat it to others, with or without context. If it doesn’t they simply don’t understand it, shrug and ignore it. This is the definition of cherry-picking; focus on a few anecdotes, ignore the larger picture.

    Similarly, you have repeated a story about attacking ambulance drivers with a machete, rape, gang violence and crime rates and generally claiming that immigration is bad; without providing context, analysis, statistics or sources.

    To prove the oft-repeated cry of censorship and political correctness gone mad, which was old in the 80s and is even older today, you have provided a single resource, a survey of 93 people working at one media outlet, many of which are photographers and TV show hosts and few, if any, are political journalists.

    You also reject the claim of fascism, which is understandable and I won’t judge whether media should use the term or not. In political theory, however, there are at least three main types of fascism; Mussolini’s self-proclaimed fascism, a general, authoritarian attitude which can be applied to the left-wing as well as the right-wing and Marx’ accusation of anti-communist reactionaries, which includes capitalists, traditionalists, nationalists, militarists, theists and any privileged classes.

    Don’t know the political affiliation of the guy who made the youtube clip, but he doesn’t appear to be able to comprehend the difference between true and good. In either, the woman is just another anecdote. And the story she reported is also just another anecdote. Furthermore, the story was reported by the very media company you are accusing of being biased, which completely undermines your entire premise.

    Your analysis of the anti-SD voter and the societal trends behind this opinion is very biased. You stereotype not only big city residents, but everyone from MENA as if millions of people can be judged as one, without providing a single piece of evidence and just regurgitating worn-out phrases that have somehow reached and fit in your prejudiced mental narrative.

    If you want to make a case for the moral superiority of kin selection and survival of the fittest, be my guest. However, if you’re gonna rest your worldview on an accusation of city folk despising MENA people, you better have some really solid evidence to back that up.


    1. By “these racists” I presume you are referring to me?

      Seeing as this post was considerably shorter than my previous posts I have generalized to some extent but if you percieve me as bluntly saying that “Immigration is bad” I regret to inform you that you are mistaken.

      I consider immigration whereas people come here to work and integrate into society to be incredibly beneficial. If that, by and large, was the case I wouldn’t be arguing against Swedens migration policies. You need to realize that this is no longer the 80:s. There are no simple factory jobs anymore; to get a job in Sweden you need to know fluent Swedish and have a decent education.

      With 105 000 asylum seekers expected in 2015 of which (if past statistics are any guide) 9/10 will not have any form of valid ID. This is incredibly stupid seeing as then there will inevitably be people coming here who intend to decieve. When you take into account that we grant illegal immigrants free healthcare and dental care many will not leave even if they are denied permanent residence.

      It is blatantly obvious that others come here to raise their standard of living via welfare. This is why such a disproportionate number of asylum seekers come to Sweden when entering the EU. If you offer a Somali mother of 3; $3000/month you will recieve more people than other EU countries.

      I am not saying that all immigrants are rapists or that only immigrants are behind gang violence. If you interpret my post as such; you sir, are a racist for drawing such conclusions.

      To be honest, I am very grateful that individuals such as yourself take the time to point out what you percieve to be flaws. As a thank you; I will edit this post and add sources to appease you and other readers.

      It would be pleasant if the same courtesy was shown by newspapers such as DN who have 682 000 daily readers as opposed to my blog which has approximately 200 daily readers.

      The newspaper in question has to this day got the ludicrous “Sandviken Rapport” and “Invandring är lönsamt för Storbrittanien” available for the world to see despite being dissected by Tino Sanandaji; a Swedish economist.

      That my friend, is cherry-picking.


    2. Ambulance drivers demanding military gear coms from their own union. You can also find plenty more examples on “Dagens Medicin” whereas ambulance drivers are shot at or attacked.


      By gang violence I am referring to the 55 no-go zones whereas the police have essentially ceded control. That comes from the polce report which is referenced to in one of Swedens largest newspapers.


      With regards to rape, Sweden has since 1996 not done ethnicity-based statistics like: the USA, Australia, UK, Canada and other countries do to this day. I have explained why this is problematic in this post which has sources readily available.


      You and I are well aware that Sweden has a very broad definition of rape but so-called “överfallsvåldtäkt” whereas a perpetrator jumps a victim and also gang rapes are predominantly immigrant gangs. Does this mean that all immigrants are rapists, no it means that they are overrepresented in the statistics. This is incredibly clear in the last ethnicity based statistics report from BRÅ:


      They have changed the way of measuring today but in 2005 you have a 5x higher chance of being accused of rape if you are an immigrant than if you are a Swede.


      Sweden has a very questionable way of measuring but Norway claims that ALL the “överfallsvåldtäkter” i.e. jump rapes had perpetrators who were immigrants. Can this be extrapolated to Sweden? Perhaps not, but I deem it unlikely that we differ so greatly from our Scandinavian neighbours.


      Regarding censorship; it is self-censorship I am referring to and for natural reasons it is hard to find sources for its prevalence so their is nothing but anecdotal evidencec to give. If you wish I can send you a multitude of examples and quotes from journalists and former journalists who can attest to the Somali-Swede in the clip.

      The fact that the story was reported does not change the fact that she was ostracised and undermined by the very bureau she worked at. Political correctness is rampant in Sweden and if you would like an example of a politicain who left due to it look no further than Mauricio Rojas.

      I see no reason to counter your categorization of fascism for it is obvious to all researchers that… surprise, surprise, SD is not fascist.


      Journalists at DN have stereotyped SD voters as more xenophobic than your average voter just yesterday I think journalists will have to accept the fact that a small blog chooses to criticise them as a group. This does not mean that there aren’t honest journalists out there.


      And yes, the above is based on a study but the message is clear and portrays almost 800 000 Swedes as xenophobic.

      Last but not least, I never accused city folk of despising MENA immigrants. I state that they live in segregated neighbourhoods due to the inflated housing prices so they often have no first-hand experience of “the hood”. I consider Swedes to be, by and large, very open to immigration but opinions often change when they have to live in the multicultural neighbourhoods such as: Södertälje, Rinkeby, Farsta, Rosengård etc.

      Call me prejudiced all you want, but counter it with facts to back up your own prejudice of me.

      The burden of proof rests on you now.


  4. As a Finn it is maddening to watch what is happening in Sweden. Some politicians here tried also to open the borders for refugees like Sweden but they were voted down.

    Finland takes in about 1300 refugees per year, a fraction when compared to Sweden. Even with that we still have problems. World record per capita with the number of people went to fight for ISIS (about 60 people). At least they have not formed ghettos and police can go anywhere without massive backup.

    I think the biggest mistake in Sweden is that you guys tolerate medieval behaviour from immigrants in the name of “cultural enrichment”. You do not tell them what is allowed and what is not. How things work in Sweden. That women are not kitchen appliances and gays have rights. You are being too nice to them, like “Ned Flanders from Simpsons” nice.

    That creates very wide opening to criminals among immigrants to exploit. They walk all over the police in many places. What makes matters worse is the Swedish media. They see no evil, hear no evil and talk no evil. They even blame Swedish culture itself for problems caused by criminals among immigrants.

    Economically Sweden is at the moment doing fine but when eventually the next recession/depression hits it will be very bad for Sweden. When people see their society collapsing they do and support very bad things.

    I see basically a police state coming with shoot first, ask questions later. No-go zones will turn into free fire zones. The vicious anger is already there beneath the surface.

    Imagine some medelsvensson with 100 year mortgage loan and see his car burned down, his kids viciously attacked in school by immigrant kids and lose his job, lose his house. What will he do then?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If the forementioned doomsday scenario happened I predict that:

      Medelsvensson will realize that radical-feminism, multiculturalism and open borders were terrible ideas. He will also be angry at the establishment for feeding him progressive lies but above all else he will cry.

      He will cry because he realizes that for his whole life he has let people trample on his heritage and his pride without so much as protesting once.


  5. “there will inevitably be people coming here who intend to deceive.”

    Pic or it didn’t happen.

    “It is blatantly obvious that others come here to raise their standard of living via welfare.”

    You must really hate evidence.

    “By ‘these racists’ I presume you are referring to me?”

    No, I meant the racists who were discussing kin selection vs group selection.

    “I am not saying that all immigrants are rapists or that only immigrants are behind gang violence. If you interpret my post as such; you sir, are a racist for drawing such conclusions.”

    That is a very interesting definition of racist. Exactly why would your claim be related to your genetics and in what way did I suggest that I thought it was?

    The statistics you linked to actually constitute evidence. I must say I am a bit surprised that one of your links wasn’t just another anecdote. However, data is not information, it has to be analyzed first. E.g. why are Italians overrepresented among rapists? How does that fit your MENA/Islam narrative? If you want to read what the author of the report has to say you can check out: http://wwwc.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/0003/13/dokument.html

    “I see no reason to counter your categorization of fascism for it is obvious to all researchers that… surprise, surprise, SD is not fascist.”

    The six people asked have different opinions on how to categorize SD, one of them states there is still no name for their ideology. Most of them describe them as nationalists, xenophobic, conservatives and so on, which fits the classical definition of fascism. And that was just based on the official policies, not on the opinions of the party members of the people who voted for them. I googled the issue at instantly found political scientists who defined SD as fascist, e.g. Mats Lindberg, professor at Örebro University, However, I didn’t claim they were fascists, I was just presenting the three most common definitions of fascism. As far as I’m concerned labels are meaningless unless clearly defined.

    “I consider Swedes to be, by and large, very open to immigration but opinions often change when they have to live in the multicultural neighbourhoods such as: Södertälje, Rinkeby, Farsta, Rosengård etc.

    Call me prejudiced all you want, but counter it with facts to back up your own prejudice of me.

    The burden of proof rests on you now.”

    You didn’t provide any evidence for your claims and I have not made any claims, only criticized yours, so the burden of proof hasn’t shifted an inch. You also didn’t address my blinders argument; which would’ve been ironic if it wasn’t so sad.


    1. There were 54 000 asylum seekers in 2013 and 9/10 do not have any form of identification. Sweden is the most generous welfare-state in the world and you are honestly trying to tell me that none have come here to raise their standard of living via welfare i.e. decieving the country?

      How do you propose measuring the prevalence other than via anecdotal evidence from those working at the migration bureau. If you came to Sweden pretending to be fleeing war would you tell the government that you lied?

      “The statistics you linked to actually constitute evidence. I must say I am a bit surprised that one of your links wasn’t just another anecdote. However, data is not information, it has to be analyzed first. E.g. why are Italians overrepresented among rapists? How does that fit your MENA/Islam narrative? If you want to read what the author of the report has to say you can check out: http://wwwc.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/0003/13/dokument.html

      “You didn’t provide any evidence for your claims and I have not made any claims, only criticized yours, so the burden of proof hasn’t shifted an inch. You also didn’t address my blinders argument; which would’ve been ironic if it wasn’t so sad.”

      On the one hand you are saying I provided evidence but then you say I didn’t provide evidence and the burden of proof hasn’t shifted.

      The fact that you are referencing to Swedens very own Baghdad Bob i.e. Jerzy Sarnecki is laughable at best. This is the same man who claims crime hasn’t increased it only appears to be the case due to people reporting crime much more often due to a number of factors such as the police being racists who want to arrest immigrants. None of these can be proven and all seem to come from this strange mentality in Sweden whereas there is an invisible godlike force causing all kinds of problems related to mass immigration from MENA.

      I never questioned the fact that socio-economic factors also play a major role but even if you truly believe that is the only reason for the spike in crime then that is just another argument to stop the mass immigration to Sweden.


      Well if we are allowing 105 000 asylum seekers to come here in 2015 of which all will be placed in segregated communities whereas they cannot integrate into Swedish culture crime will inevitably increase.

      The kid in the article has a good point as well: A lot of people come from countries whereas you get your arm chopped off for stealing and hence Swedish laws are a joke and crime increases which also makes sense.

      Regarding fascims;if you truly believe the Sweden Democrats are fascists I see no reason to waste my breathe on you for that allegation is simply absurd.

      I clearly misunderstood you’re racial pun with regards to Group / Kin and I am still not certain as to what you are referring to with your blinders argument.


  6. “How do you propose measuring the prevalence other than via anecdotal evidence”

    That’s like asking how to prove that there is life in another galaxy. Just because reliable data is unavailable doesn’t magically make it ok to use unreliable data.

    “There were 54 000 asylum seekers in 2013 and 9/10 do not have any form of identification. Sweden is the most generous welfare-state in the world and you are honestly trying to tell me that none have come here to raise their standard of living via welfare i.e. decieving the country?”

    Again, you are making a claim and therefore must provide evidence. I have no made any claims about immigrant reasons for coming here.

    “The fact that you are referencing to Swedens very own Baghdad Bob i.e. Jerzy Sarnecki”

    The fact is that I referenced the author of the report you provided.

    “Regarding fascims;if you truly believe the Sweden Democrats are fascists I see no reason to waste my breathe on you for that allegation is simply absurd.”

    This is the second time I’m saying this, you better pay attention this time: I have not claimed that SD are fascists.

    “On the one hand you are saying I provided evidence but then you say I didn’t provide evidence and the burden of proof hasn’t shifted.”

    That was the exception that confirmed the rule and I clearly admitted that. You on the other hand ignored everything else I said.

    “I clearly misunderstood you’re racial pun with regards to Group / Kin and I am still not certain as to what you are referring to with your blinders argument.”

    I don’t think you have a clue what pun means. The blinders I meant was about ignoring all the arguments that are not understood or doesn’t fit preconceived opinions. Specifically, you have so far ignored the criticism I presented for every single argument you’ve made. You’ve also ignored to respond to my calling you out for ignoring it. Here’s the list of things you’ve ignored:

    You ignored that everyone didn’t agree that SD isn’t fascist, even though you claimed this.

    You ignored that the survey you based this blog post on didn’t actually prove your claim about media bias.

    You ignored my criticism of all the anecdotes you’ve referenced.

    You ignored the lack of evidence for this claim:

    “there will inevitably be people coming here who intend to deceive.”

    You also ignored this:

    “’I am not saying that all immigrants are rapists or that only immigrants are behind gang violence. If you interpret my post as such; you sir, are a racist for drawing such conclusions.’

    That is a very interesting definition of racist. Exactly why would your claim be related to your genetics and in what way did I suggest that I thought it was?”


    1. “That’s like asking how to prove that there is life in another galaxy. Just because reliable data is unavailable doesn’t magically make it ok to use unreliable data.”

      No, thats like showing you 100 confirmed pictures of real-life Martians and then you countering by saying that I need reliable data.

      Sweden is the most generous welfare-state. Do I really need to prove that with quantifiable statistics. Is the sky blue? Does the pope wear funny hats?

      A refugee who just arrived to Sweden is saying we should close the borders or reform because there are Al-Qaeda supporters in the asylum homes. Is that a clear-cut case or is it not good enough for you?


      Here are the number of people who are real refugees by UN standards:

      Click to access tab1.pdf

      The Swedish media and politicians make it seem like all asylum seekers are pregnant women and children fleeing from a war-zone when in fact around 2.6% of all the asylum seekers are refugees by those standards.

      Mr. Sarnecki probably managed to do an excellent job at counting the number of reports of violence but his conclusions as to why that is are questionable at best but that would require an entire post which I will make sure to write in the future.

      I do not doubt that certain researchers think SD is fascist but that term along with racism lacks meaning in this country. They are merely words used to silence opposition. A bad Muslim joke is labelled as racist by the newspapers despite the fact that Muslims are not a race.

      Just yesterday Kent Ekeroths proposal to measure demographics in prisons using ethnicity as a variable led to wild ad-hominems and slippery slope argumentation á la: OMG Hitler! Nazi!

      “I clearly misunderstood you’re racial pun with regards to Group / Kin and I am still not certain as to what you are referring to with your blinders argument.”

      *—> I clearly misunderstood what I percieved to be a racial pun with regards to group/kin.

      The real kicker is that you haven’t provided any facts or statistics to back up your claims but you blame me for having preconcieved notions.


      1. Wow, you actually didn’t adress any of the things I specifically pointed out that you had ignored, including the very issue of ignoring arguments. Your blinders must weigh a tonne. All you did was ignore all problems yet again, add another anecdote, repeat what you said in the previous post, add an incoherent rant about a member of SD and once again try to shift the burden of proof.


  7. Come on everyone, let’s get active and do something. For example, make youtube videos of people or girls abused by the immigrants. Make them without showing their faces if you like. It is not against the law. Vote, but consider alternative solutions as well. Unfortunately, the left are creating a situation of inevitable war. I hate to say it, but leaders will be needed who don’t have to answer to the insane liberals, Even military type leaders, and who are good at gaining support and creating organization. There is already cause enough.


  8. Swedish and European politicians have really left the people no other choice: the common man and right wing groups must rise in order to prevent the destruction of Sweden and Europe. The parasite of “political correctness” and scourge of “diversity” and “multiculturalism” is set to destroy the European way of life within the next decade.


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